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BIO MARINE COLLAGEN is 100% natural. BIO MARINE COLLAGEN is highly soluble and has an absorbency rate of up to 97%, far exceeding any other collagen products in the market today. Regular consumption of BIO MARINE COLLAGEN aids in replenishing collagen that is lost through aging. |
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What are the ingredients that BIO MARINE COLLAGEN has?
BIO MARINE COLLAGEN contains Maltodextrin, Marine collagen (extract from salmon fish), fructose, calcium carbonate, vitamin premix (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12) and contains permitted food conditioners, blackcurrant flavor and sweetener (aspartame) |
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What are the functions from BIO MARINE COLLAGEN?
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Beautify complexion: Hydration, Prevents wrinkle, Restoration, Skin Elasticity
Prevent Osteoporosis: Keep Calcium molecules in their place, reduces Calcium loss
Protect joints and prevent joint erosion: stabilize Cartilage
Beautiful Hair and shiny nails: Nutrients support and regenerate, Help nails to grow strong and healthy
Weight loss and improve health: burn fat and slimming, perfecting figure
Enhance the human immune system: Protect liver and rejuvenate cell
Clinical studies have shown that: Daily intake of 10gm of collagen can reduce the pain of knee and pelvic osteoarthritis
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Is there any different between BIO MARINE COLLAGEN with other collagen products in the market?
There is a difference between BIO MARINE COLLAGEN with other collagen products. BIO MARINE COLLAGEN has 3000 Daltons, highly soluble and has an absorbency rate of up to 97%, making it the highest grade collagen-based product in the market. A study shows that, the smaller the molecules, the higher probability of being absorbed by our body. So, the results obtained are obvious. Therefore, it is the highest grade collagen in the market. |
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What is BIO MARINE COLLAGEN? Why is it so important for human body?
Collagen is the most abundantly available and most widely distributed protein compound in our body. It accounts for 30% of human proteins and 70% of skin. It is part of a composition for cartilage, ligament, tendon, skeleton, and tooth. |
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Why do we need to replenish collagen?
Our body's bones density peaks at about 30 year of age. Subsequently, it diminishes by 0.5-1% every year. When our body lacks collagen, we are unable to sustain the Calcium molecules in their places. This will affects our bone density and resulting in osteoporosis. Our bones are composed of: Bones mineral i.e. calcium; collagen and non-collageneous. Collagen makes up more than 80% of our bones bulk. It is vital in maintaining our bones structure. Liken to building a house, collagen acts as the steel scaffold while calcium acts as the concrete; both are equally important. |
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What is the relationship between collagen and aging?
Skin is the largest organ in our body. Collagen makes up 70% of our skin. It provides texture, resilience and shape, giving skins its strength and suppleness as well as the ability to retain moisture effectively. As we age, the collagen layer begins to diminish. This is further exacerbated by the exposure to harsh environmental elements, stressful lifestyle and inherent genetic predisposition.
In fact, from the age of 25, collagen in our body depletes at the rate of 1.5% per year. By the time we reach the age of 40, collagen loss is estimated at an alarming rate of 30%.
Collagen depletion leads to skin dehydration, formation of unwanted wrinkles and an older appearance. Therefore, it is essential for us to replace the collagen in our body in order to maintain a youthful look. |
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If I am a vegetarian, can I consume BIO MARINE COLLAGEN?
In general, vegetarian is divided into two groups, first is because of health reason, the other group is based on religious factors. Based on health factors, they can consume BIO MARINE COLLAGEN because it has the role of health treatment. On the contrary, for religious factors, they are not encouraged to consume BIO MARINE COLLAGEN because it contains collagen extracted from salmon. |
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If I replenish calcium without consuming BIO MARINE COLLAGEN, can I achieve the same effect?
If we consume calcium without BIO MARINE COLLAGEN, the effect will not be significant or desirable. Our body's bones density peaks at about 30 year of age. Subsequently, it diminishes by 0.5-1% every year so that the bone will be lost unknowingly. Most people are afraid of osteoporosis, so that they will buy calcium tablets and calcium drink to replenish the calcium without thinking of collagen. In fact, when a body is lacking of collagen, the body will have problems retaining the calcium. Therefore, to achieve beautiful skin and healthy bones, one must consume their calcium with BIO MARINE COLLAGEN. |
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I'm suffering from arthritis. I feel my arthritis would be more serious than before after consuming BIO MARINE COLLAGEN, why?
Arthritis is a common chronic disease; it is caused by inflammation, infection, trauma, or other factors. In addition, bone loss is one of the factors causing arthritis. When we consume any health food, a body with adequate nutrition, cells will begin repair work. So when we consume BIO MARINE COLLAGEN, our body will get adequate calcium and collagen, thus repair work begins. During this period, the pain will be more severe than before. However, this is short term (two weeks to one month). |
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As BIO MARINE COLLAGEN is not a medicine, it serves as an effective source of calcium and collagen, and it can be consume at anytime. The recommended way to consume BIO MARINE COLLAGEN is 1 pack for every 2 day to achieve the best results. |
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The recommended way to consume BIO MARINE COLLAGEN is 1 pack for every 2 day, can I consume everyday?
Yes, this is because BIO MARINE COLLAGEN is not a medicine, it is a health food. There is no documented side effect to the human body. However, please remember that excessive consumption is not recommended for any food or health food, because this will burden the body. |
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Is that BIO MARINE COLLAGEN suitable for everyone?
BIO MARINE COLLAGEN is suitable for every ethnic group; every man or woman wishes their skin and bones to be maintained in the best state. Especially for women, they should consume BIO MARINE COLLAGEN to achieve these effects, which are healthy skin, beautiful hair, and weight loss. For those patients who are suffering from arthritis, they should take BIO MARINE COLLAGEN to protect their joints and refuse abrasion, and make their cartilage stronger. |