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BIO GREEN is a fruits and vegetables mixture beverage and DE KLEN CAP is a traditional herbal formula in a capsule. These two products are colon detoxification supplements. |
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What are the ingredients for BIO GREEN & DE KLEN CAP?
DE KLEN CAP is composed of Herba Andrographitis and Rhizoma Rhei
BIO GREEN: The ingredients as below:
Soluble &
Insoluble fiber |
Amino Acids
Fruits & Vegetables Extracts |
Laxatives |
L-Glycine |
Broccoli, Cabbage |
Rhubard |
Citrus Pectin |
L-Taurine |
Pineapple, Orange, Apple |
Aloe Vera |
Wheat Soluble Fiber |
Apricot, Cherry, Peach, Strawberry, Papaya |
Chlorophyll |
Chitosan |
Grape, Blueberry, Rasberry |
Sodium Alginate |
Blackcurrant, Blackberry |
Magnesium Sulfate, Lactose |
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BIO GREEN: The benefits
To clean out accumulated toxins inside our dirty colon
Prevent and treatment of constipation.
Healthy metabolism with a healthy digestive system.
A good dietary fibre |
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DE KLEN CAP: The benefits
Neutralizes and clean out accumulated toxins inside the colon
Relieves internal heatiness of the body
Stimulate bowel movement and treatment of constipation
Detoxifies and protect the liver
Inhibits the growth of micro organisms in the intestine
Increase the secretion of bile
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Symptoms of poor colon health
They will face the problems and symptoms such as Constipation, Bad breath, Dull Complexion, Obesity, Pimples, Bloated tummy. If you have all these symptoms, beware, you are having an unhealthy colon and the toxin in your colon may threaten your health. |
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How toxin accumulates in gastrointestinal?
In fact, toxins are all around us, such as water pollution, food pollution, air pollution, land pollution, environment pollution and eating habits. For those who live in a city, stressful lifestyle will affect the rate of metabolism. With poor metabolism, our body will absorb undesired materials, such as toxins. There is mucus on the lining of intestine and stomach; therefore food residue will stick on it. Over a period of time, it will become toxins that stay on the lining of intestine and stomach. Nutrients are absorbed through stomach and intestine, thus, if toxins cannot be eliminated out of our body, it will be harmful to us. |
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Why do we need to detox?
In fact, the body's colon like a network of road ditches, we need to clean it often, therefore toxin would not accumulate in it, thus avoiding the occurrence of disease. When the toxins accumulate in the body, it will affect our mental state, metabolic balance, function of organs, and speed up body aging, etc. Through detoxification, we can prevent the occurrence of these unhealthy symptoms. |
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If I am a vegetarian, can I consume BIO Green?
In general, vegetarian are divided into two groups, first is because of health reason, the other group is based on religious factors. Based on health factors, they can consume BIO GREEN because it can help to clean the toxin from their body. However, for religious factors, they are not encouraged to consume BIO GREEN because it contains chitosan. Chitosan is extracted from the fiber in marine organisms. Chitosan has the ability to dissolve and adsorb cholesterol and fat. |
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Why does consumption of BIO GREEN may induce constipation?
BIO GREEN is fruits and vegetables mixture beverage, rich in fibre that can help in gastrointestinal motility, to clean out accumulated toxins inside our dirty colon. However, it is a MUST to consume with water. The recommended amount is at least 12 glasses of water per day. Constipation after consumption of BIO GREEN is mainly due to insufficient water in the body. We want to maintain a clean intestinal system, in addition to use of fibre from vegetable and fruit to excrete the waste after digestion, and also a lot of water to flush. Conversely, if the water is not sufficient, it cannot discharge from the body and cause constipation. |
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How to consume BIO GREEN and DE KLEN CAP?
1 sachet BIO GREEN every morning and one capsule of DE KLEN CAP per night. Take two capsules of DE KLEN CAP everyday before sleep for those who do not consume BIO GREEN (sachet pack). For those who consume this product for the first time, take one capsule before sleep and resume to two capsules after two weeks. |