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BIO GRAPE SEED is a special formulated antioxidant product, which is designed to protect against the free radicals. Antioxidants are substances that interact with and stabilize free radicals by transferring its' own electron to the unstable atoms. Furthermore, it also helps to repair damage cells through the same process. |
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What is the ingredient of BIO GRAPE SEED?
BIO GRAPE SEED contains grape seed extract, pine bark extract, green tea extract, vitamin C, probiotic and beta-glucan. |
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What is the function of BIO GRAPE SEED?
Anti free radicals
Prevents cellular damage
Protects liver and nervous system
Cardiovascular protection
Boost immune system
Enhances vision health
Enhances dental health
Reduces risk of cancer
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What is free radical?
Free radicals are atoms with single missing electrons, which cause cellular damage by taking electrons molecules in healthy cells. Scientists have estimated that every cell in the body suffers 10,000 free radicals "hits" each day. Over a 70 years life span, we can experience up to about 17 tons of free radicals. |
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What is the impact of free radicals on our health? Many researches also shows that overload of free radicals can cause the following health conditions:
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Accelerating the aging processes
The deterioration of the eye lens
Trigger the inflammation of the joints
Suppress the body immune system
Increase the risk of coronary heart disease
Can virtually cause all cancers
Cause damage to nerve cells in the brain, which contribute to Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease |
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What is antioxidant? Why do we need to take antioxidant?
Antioxidants helps to repair damage cells by stabilizing free radicals by transferring its' own electron to the unstable atoms. Everyday, we are exposed to free radicals through many ways such as environment pollutants such as automobile and truck exhaust, pesticides, herbicides, industry chemicals, chlorine in the water and many mores. Even our lifestyle such as stress, poor diet, smoking and drinking alcohol, using mobile phone and watching TV can create free radicals in our body. No matter where we live and how careful we are, there is no way that we can avoid it. Therefore, we have to consume antioxidant to develop a healthy body. |
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What is the uniqueness of grape seed extract in BIO GRAPE SEED compared to the antioxidant products in the market?
Compared with antioxidant products in the market, grape seed extract is well known as super-antioxidant. The OPC components in grape seed extract are 50 times stronger than vitamin E and 20 times stronger than vitamin C. it strengthens blood vessels, improves skin and aids in blood circulation. Moreover, it can accelerate elimination of toxin, repairs damaged collagen and functions as cardiovascular health protection. |
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What is grape seed extract? Will I obtain the same result if I consume raw grape seed?
Bio Grape Seed utilizes a high technology extraction method which allows for the extraction of OPC, a concentrated and potent super antioxidant. A grape seed in its natural form would need to be grinded and chewed up to allow for any OPC absorption, failing which, any seeds swallowed would only be excreted from our body. Besides OPC, a grape seed also contains toxins that might induce diarrhea or stomach discomfort. Bio Grape Seed is the safest way to enjoy the benefits of OPC. |
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If I'm suffering from severe gastric, can I consume BIO GRAPE SEED?
Generally, gastric patients are not recommended to consume acidic and alkaline food. It is because this two type of food are corrosive, which will aggravate the stomach. BIO GRAPE SEED is considered alkaline; therefore gastric patients have to be careful when consuming it. There is two way of product usage. For option 1, patients can swallow one tablespoon of honey before consuming BIO GRAPE SEED. For option 2, patients can add in one tablespoon of honey into BIO GRAPE SEED, mix and consume it. By using these two consuming method, it can lessen the negative effect of BIO GRAPE SEED to the gastrointestinal system. |
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Recommended dosage for BIO GRAPE SEED is one sachet per day. Can I consume three sachets per day?
Can. BIO GRAPE SEED is not a medicine. It is a nutritional supplement for our body. Therefore, we can consume it at any time. On the other hand, it is not recommended to consume three sachets at once. It Is because it might cause over dosage of vitamin C, which will bring side effects to our body. |
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I wish to lose weight; can I lose weight if I consume BIO GRAPE SEED? For obese people, not only body fat and blood lipid are high, even triglycerides, free fatty acids and cholesterol level is higher than normal. Therefore, for weight loss, there is a need to eliminate the lipid from blood, thus weight loss result will be more obvious. By consuming BIO GRAPE SEED, it will detoxify cholesterol and lipid from our blood. Therefore, for those who wish to lose weight, it is recommended to consume BIO GRAPE SEED. |