A) Before Submit Your MSP Application
You must be an active member and a qualified AMBASSADOR of I-LINKAGE Sdn. Bhd. before submitting your MSP application. |
You are required to purchase 3 products (worth 50PV each) under your one account name. The Company will provide you 3 products and 1 starter kit book. |
You must have in-depth knowledge of I-LINKAGE business portfolio, product knowledge, incentive plan and as well as Company website operating system. |
B) Upon Confirmation Of The Appointment As MSAL
You must be an active member and a qualified AMBASSADOR of I-LINKAGE Sdn. Bhd. before submitting your MSP application. |
You are required to purchase 3 products (worth 50PV each) under your one account name. The Company will provide you 3 products and 1 starter kit book. |
You must have in-depth knowledge of I-LINKAGE business portfolio, product knowledge, incentive plan and as well as Company website operating system. |

In order to approve your appointment as MSP and activate your MSP account, you are required to make an initial capital outlay for "Prepaid Product Package" purchases as follows:
1.1 Payable to I-LINKAGE SDN.BHD.
1.2 Amount : RM15,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Fifteen Thousand Only)
1.3 Payment is strictly through bank on-line, and transfer to:
Maybank Berhad Account Number : 514842-302930 |
OR |
Public Bank Berhad Account Number: 3117501100 |

Prior to approval, the MSP agreement must be signed and returned to the management |

You will have to fulfill the minimum quota of RM20,000.00 "Prepaid Product Package" sold through your MSP account each month to members DOWN your genealogy tree. Transaction to other members up or away from your genealogy tree is not part of this minimum quota required, as the focal role of MSP is to specifically serve members down his genealogy. |

The Company reserves the right to terminate your privilege appointment as MSP should you fail to fulfill the minimum quota required for 3 consecutive months. |